Feature requests

  1. Max bike allowance per working day (pc 200)

    Good afternoon, Is there a maximum amount of bike allowance per working day in pc 200? Is this something we can program in Mbrella (if legally obliged)?

    Bo N


  2. Change Startpage

    If you frequently (daily) use a feature (e.g. Commute planner), it would be nice to have it open when you start Mbrella. This avoids multiple clicks.



  3. Hello

    Iryna T


  4. Foutief contract gekoppeld

    Hallo, werknemer Anna Fedchenko staat gekoppeld onder Made maar het moet Made By Rombit zijn, kan ik dit aanpassen? Zo ja waar?

    Valérie Van H


  5. 4411 integration

    Integration with 4411 to purchase parking and public transportation tickets, which will be synced with Mbrella

    Quinten Vandermeulen


  6. Mobile app

    Create a mobile app where users can quickly add expenses, with the benefit of being able to take a picture of an invoice or receipt with your phone's camera. This would mean you can register your expenses immediately when they are made, instead of risking to lose it or accumulating lots of paperwork.



  7. Fleet management

    Add and manage your fleet in one place (cars, bikes, motors). Offer vehicles as a mobility benefit to your employees.

    Quinten Vandermeulen


  8. Bike leasing

    Activate and manage bike leasing via Mbrella

    Quinten Vandermeulen


  9. Overview "left this month"

    Bonjour serait-il possible d'avoir dans le tableau employee-overview le montant "left this month"? Impossible d'approuver les dépenses des employés sans vérifier pour chacun avant ce qui reste pour le mois. et cette manipulation prend énormément de temps et de clic. alors que dans le tableau d'overview on verrait en 3" pour qui il faut faire attention avant de valider et pour quel montant max. Merci de votre retour Estelle

    Estelle A


  10. Laadpaal




  11. Flex Budgets & Business Budgets

    Don't be limited by the rules of the Legal Mobility Budget anymore! A Flex Budget is the perfect bonus to reward your employees Business budgets have your employees reimburse their business trips

    Quinten Vandermeulen


  12. TCO calculator

    Calculate the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for your fleet vehicles

    Quinten Vandermeulen


  13. STIB - MIVB multi-ride passes

    With teleworking becoming the norm, full-time public transport subscriptions are no longer advantageous. Activate multi-ride passes for your employees so they can order it themselves via Mbrella. Included passes: Brupass 10 journeys Brupass XL 10 journeys STIB - MIVB 100 journeys

    Quinten Vandermeulen
    #Public transport


  14. Additional columns & sorting in Mes Dépenses view

    Hi, I would be nice to have these columns in the Mes Dépenses view: Status Creation date (!= expense date) And it would be nice to have the expenses sorted by the Date de la dépense, by default.

    Anne-Sophie G


  15. Online Video-Academy for employee onboarding

    Work with an online video-portal (such as Crossknowledge) to onboard employees on Mbrella. With different learning tracks for each subject : km allowance, mobility budget, EV charging, etc... The completion of a learning path could be a requirement before accessing the platform and/or can be tracked by HR. Add a little gamification and quizzes to make it even more appealing. This would: avoid manmade information sessions, allow latecomers to be brought up-to-date, help explain too little adoption rates at certain customers, handle the objection "I don't have the time to read all those documents" as the info would be in video format, give a better customer experience, digitize training, even be used internally within Mbrella for onboardings Happy do detail this further :)

    Alexis L
