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📈 Better reporting capabilities


We've rolled out a series of enhancements to Mbrella's reporting features that are sure to make your data management smoother and more intuitive. Let's dive into what's new and improved.

  • XLS downloads: Alongside CSV, you can now download expenses and allowances in XLS format for greater flexibility.
  • User group filtering: Filter expenses and allowances by user group to better manage and analyze departmental spending.
  • Enhanced allowances export: View detailed trip information including departure and destination addresses, and trip type (single vs. return).
  • Public transport subscription details: Exports for public transport subscriptions now include additional fields, providing a fuller picture of employee commuting patterns.
  • External employee IDs in exports: External employee IDs are now included in exports for expenses, allowances, user profiles, and public transport, simplifying cross-referencing across systems.
  • Inactive user filtering: Identify users who have never logged in to send reminders and boost engagement with the Commute Planner.
  • Consolidated public transport exports: Export all public transport subscriptions in one file, regardless of the provider (SNCB, B-Parking, STIB-MIVB, De Lijn, TEC), making it easier to manage and verify your orders.