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🗓️ Update km allowance amounts for specific periods


Ever found yourself caught in the complexity of changing km allowance rates? €0,27/km one day, €0,35/km the other day? Without a clear system to keep things in check, chaos ensues. Retro-active corrections, future amounts stuck in the past— it's enough to make your head spin!

We’ve now got your back with our kilometer allowance periods. No more sweating over wrong km amounts. As an HR admin, you hold the power to change kilometer allowance amounts for specific periods with just a few clicks.

So whether it's adjusting rates for past periods or planning future amounts, consider it done with ease. With this new feature, you can ensure that all allowances within a period get the correct amount, no matter when they were created.

👉 Update km amounts via your Mobility hub > Any km allowance > Settings: Edit 
